
SNUSP esolang and an interpreter in Go

While Golfrun specifications are becoming foggy day by day (month by month, year by year…) and C++11 implementation of a Golfrun interpreter is still far to come, I am experimenting with the Go language, as done in the previous post. Thus I have decided to implement an interpreter of an esoteric programming language I liked very much: SNUSP. In the past I have already written a C interpreter for Modular SNUSP: it was my first contribution (as far as I can remember) to RosettaCode; then, I uploaded it to SourceForge too.

Now I have implemented an interpreter for SNUSP using the Go language. You can find GoSNUSP code on github.

GoSNUSP can interpret (bugs apart…) Core, Modular and Bloated SNUSP.